PREVIEW: Riuchi - The Tale of the Ancient Lights
Riuchi is the alter-ego of performer Guillaume Cousson, who’s story is told through movement and light in this solo non-narrative piece.
Heavily influenced by Asian art and Japanese manga whist growing up, Guillaume self-trained as a hip hop and contemporary dancer before discovering circus through juggling in 2003. Guillaume brings the character from his imagination to life with Riuchi and draws upon all his artistic influences in his latest performance ‘The Tale of the Ancient Lights’.
With the use of LED technology, Riuchi is the combination of LED light, martial arts, dance, magic and circus. It invites the audience to part take in a journey with the performer to a magical eastern land through the tale of struggle and triumph.
>> Waterside Theatre: Saturday,16th May. Tickets for 8pm show £9/£7 Conc. Matinee show 3pm £7/£5 Conc. £18 family for matinee.