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NEWS: Open Call Invitation for Echo Echo Festival of Dance and Movement

The Echo Echo Festival of Dance and Movement debuted in 2013 during the City of Culture year and has gone from strength to strength ever since.

Now in it’s third year, the festival will showcase performances, classes, talks and live music which will be spread throughout all ten days, from morning until late at night.

With an open call for performances taking place on November 7th, the Echo Echo has asked for full proposals for short pieces to be submitted no later than July 31st.

Speaking about potential proposals, a spokesperson for the company said; “following the success of our Open Call evenings in last year's festival we are again inviting artists who make dance and movement related work to apply to show a short work at our 2015 festival”.

Breakdown of Information:

• The date of the Open Call performance is Saturday 7th November 20.00hrs. • The deadline for receipt of full proposals is 31st July 2015. • We will inform everyone of our decisions by 21st August 2015. • Echo Echo has a very limited budget for this programme but we can support some of the successful projects with travel allowances and overnight accommodation. This will be by negotiation.

For more information about the festival, or to get in touch in touch with the company click here

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